Monday, December 15, 2008

Lessons Learned in the LOSING

In our culture, of course, is all about wining. Let’s face it, at any point of the time, in any year, the importance of finishing first is drummed into us daily, even hourly. From kindergarten, secondary school, primary school, college, university and working, it’s all about scoring more As or being no 1 or own the biggest car or house .

Losing, in the other hand, is a source of shame and bitterness. People who lose are, by definition, losers.

We tend to frame things in terms of contests or wars must be won or lost. Many challenges, however, are about hanging in there and managing a bad situation. What don’t kill us will make us stronger.

Losing prepares us for the slog that is life. The world doesn’t give us many finish lines, but it does give us the long run.

I didn’t always win. But I’m sure a winner.


JN said...

Those who challenge theirselves are improvement; those who challenge others are egoistic.

yamuna, yogini said...

Justin, you are absolutely right.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yamuna,
Sorry I know this is not related to ur post but juz want to check whether the class schedule as published on 22nd sept still applies for next year?And are all classes taught bu you?

yamuna, yogini said...

Dear Anonymous, Yes, schedule remain unchanged and all classes are taught by myself. Hope to see you in the studio.

Anonymous said...

Thanks yamuna, I shall see you next year.Happy holidays!