Thursday, November 20, 2008

Guru, Teacher, Instructor = PRACTITIONER

A guru (Sanskirt :गुरु) is a person who is regarded as having great knowledge, wisdom and authority in a certain area, and uses it to guide others. The word comes from Sanskrit Gu, darkness, and Ru, light (prakash); literally a preceptor who shows others knowledge (light) and destroys ignorance (darkness) – ‘who holds a light in the darkness’.

A teacher is an acknowledged guide or helper in processes of learning. A teacher's role may vary between cultures; academic subjects are emphasized in many societies, but a teacher's duties may include instruction in craftsmanship or vocational training, spirituality, civics, community roles, or life skills - the teacher is defined as a specialized profession on the same level as many other professions.

An instructor is one who instructs or teaches a technical skill or subject.

Gurus, Teachers or Instructors, we all are practitioners not preachers.

Thank you to all especially Maggie, Ming and Kae Ling for giving me such honour.

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