Friday, October 24, 2008

What is DIET

Diet. Yes diet. What is the real meaning of DIET? Watch what you eat? Starve yourself? Watch your weight? Cut down the food intake? Which one?

There are many different types of diets available but the million $ question is, does it works? And many superstars; local, Hollywood or Bollywood, all swore by either Atkins diet, South Beach Diet, Cambridge diet, Blood type diet, G.I.Diet, Gluten Free Diet and etc. And somehow, we tend to follow what these superstars do or say; they get paid to ‘endorse’ each product and we buy the products just to look and be like them! Take good looks around us……..

The food that we eat supposedly provides raw materials and energy to power our extremely complex internal workings and the constant growth, repair and regeneration of our cells. But not anymore…..most people eat for comfort, yes ‘comfort food’.

I do not believe in living a life of total denial. I don’t feel guilty if I take a bite out of a Ramly burger; I don’t reprimand myself if I eat a bowl of bubur cha-cha; I haven’t vowed that a pack of RM2 nasi lemak will never pass my lips. Yet I do believe that eating any of these things excessively or regularly can be harmful to my body. My theory is that if I leave out the ‘very bad foods’, occasionally eat the ‘questionable foods’, and try to concentrate on eating the ‘healthy foods’, I’ll be ahead of the game by far. The secret – the key – is moderation and balance.

Eat to live and not live to eat.


Anonymous said...

hi yogateach. O yes, eat in moderation. i can't live without my nasi lemak n my char kueh teow, curry mee...yet. Always a tendency to over indulge n the food cravings at times. N d many festivals that we enjoy. Ai yo!!

yamuna, yogini said...

the bad side of living in Malaysia, too many much of good food!